Job Overview
Date Posted
October 10, 2023
Expiration date
June 10, 2024
Job Description
Seeking a Full time Caregiver for my Toddler
Job duties:
- Supervise the child during working hours.
- Prepare special meals as per instructions every day.
- Assist to eat during shift, training to be independent. Spoon feed if required.
- Buy groceries for her meals as instructed twice a week.
- Bath, dress daily and if required again during the day.
- Wash, Iron and organize baby laundry twice a week.
- Clean and organize my baby’s room and do light housekeeping duties every day.
- Travel on trips to assist with supervision
- Play, teach jingles and rhymes, ensure nap time is followed and ensure attention to child’s daily activities and needs.
- Support child socially, emotionally and mentally as family member.
- Teach her Quran and Urdu during work shift
- Introduce her to Islamic hygienic principals and way of life
- Introduce her to Indian and Muslim culture during spare time
- Escort her to Community Park and ensure her safety while outside the house on daily basis.
- Inform us immediately if there is any notable concern in her behavior or health.
- Perform other task as assigned
Qualifications required:
2 years experience working as care giver or at kindergarten school level support teacher. Must be be well educated, well spoken, well dressed. Relevant diploma or certificate is an assest but not mandatory. Must be willing to provide imunization and clear criminal record. Must have or be willing to get CPR and first aid certification Must be be able to lift and carry upto 40 pounds.
Please apply at